Subject & Career Choice

What is an Educational Assessment and how does it work?

Our Subject and Career Choice Assessments enable learners to better understand their personal interests and strengths, and encourage them to use this self-awareness to make informed subject and career choices.

The Subject Choice Assessment (SCA) is ideal for students who are looking for guidance on which subjects they should choose in High School. Our Educational Psychologist will use scientific tools and tests to identify and navigate an individual’s core competencies and key motivators to help select their ideal subject package.

The Career Choice Assessment (CCA) is perfect for High School students who are wanting to understand and map out their best potential career pathway. A Career Choice Assessment is a vital tool to assist students in choosing a career (and lifestyle) where they will thrive (and not just survive).

Benefits of completing a professional subject or career choice assessment include -

Increased Self-Awareness; identify strengths and weaknesses, unique interests and motivators.

Define Learning Goals; create a targeted learning approach to achieve a set of clearly defined goals.

Enhanced Student Motivation; through a more streamlined, goal orientated learning approach.

Lower Varsity Dropout Rate; through increased motivation and goal definition.

Increased Employability; due to a specific, targeted education approach, learners who are subject-specialised and focused on a specific career have a higher chance of employability based on course subject matter and experience.

Increased Job Satisfaction; by identifying a student’s strengths and passions, we are able to advise on career pathways where they will be their happiest. Learners who pursue their career passions tend to have higher job satisfaction through their adult lives. 

Educational Assessment Information


Each assessment will involve 2 virtual consults with our Educational Psychologist. The entire process should take approximately 2 weeks from payment.

Suggested Age Levels

Subject Choice Assessment: Grade 9 students who are deciding on which subjects to pursue in Grade 10, and for IGCSE students deciding to pursue A levels. 

Career Choice Assessment: Students in their final two years of school (Grade 11 and Grade 12; IGCSE, AS and A level students).